Killing The Fence Sitters. Part 2

O.K… what about those three stories in the first part? Well, what if I was a fence sitter? That is, one that was not saved but was leaning towards finding an answer, “maybe I should try church, I wonder if that tract that was handed to me is true?, Is this ‘Jesus’ for real? “

Story #1.

What if, as a fence sitter, knowing that the house down the street was the home of a pastor’s family, and I considered one of their flyer invitations left on my front door to an Easter service message? I walk by the house on my way home from work to hear the cackling gossip of the three crows women on the sidewalk, the unflattering gossip? As an unsaved soul I'm sure I’d sense that what they were doing was wrong. Contradicting. Non church-like. The deal of going to hear an Easter message at their church, or any church, I’m sure would be off. In this story of part 1, I wondered that if Betty was outside, would the chatter have taken place? Would she have joined in? My gut says it would have taken place and she would have joined in, however, I’ll really never know. I really doubt I would have been attending their church’s Easter service, or any service at any church.

I know being a pastor’s wife is a tough job, maybe one of the hardest on Earth. They could be one of Satan’s favorite targets. I met and spoke with Betty and Barney, a couple of times actually, small talk while passing by their house or they walking past ours. Since then, no waving as she drives by, in fact, pretending not to see us at all as we would be standing on our front lawn. “Come on! Is this part of the job description?” A neighbor couple across the street from us who moved away a few years ago, mentioned as Betty drove by from around the corner, “you know, for a preacher’s wife, she sure is snotty, you’d think she’d at least wave”. This came from a non-believing couple who had no desire to go to church, find the Lord, none of it. I’m sure her actions helped screw that door shut just a little tighter. You have a lot on your plate Betty, a lot to live up to. That’s understood. But remember, the neighbors know who you are. Wave Betty, just try to wave, maybe even with a pretend smile behind it.

I’ll take this a little further, while the pastor’s entire brood would be heading to the church on Sunday in their Suburban, while flying up the street, running late I’m sure, their eyes would be dead ahead. Can’t look around you know, might be forced to acknowledge the neighbors. Or maybe Barney was just too focused on the stop sign at the corner he would always run. I mean, not even a California stop! WE SEE YOU! Satan has many, many tricks up his sleeve to steer people from the Lord. He has many, many tricks up his sleeve to make a believer stumble and curse the Lord too (just ask me), making that person’s life as miserable as he can. That believer’s misery is then shown to a “fence sitter” who could then decide, and then claim, “I’m good, don’t need that!”

Story #2.

As I said in part 1, in 2001 along came Calvary Temple. Some friends of ours at the time suggested we try that church. They went there a few times and really enjoyed it. We were thinking that maybe we should get into a church so our daughters might have a chance to experience the Lord and hopefully one day come to him. We ended up really liking that church and started going on a regular basis. In fact, after some time, the girls ended up coming to the Lord thanks to the ministry of the youth department, that is, during the old guard.

Back to my point, suppose I was a fence sitter struggling with the pain of addiction, a failed relationship, financial crisis or anything else that causes despair. Then, some friends or acquaintances of mine finally talk me into joining them for a Sunday at Calvary Temple, or that type of church. “There just might be a message for you there, an answer, a way out, start healing your pain, HOPE!” they say. I agree to go, I go with enthusiasm, HOPE! Now picture me or yourself in this church that’s of the atmosphere I described Calvary Temple in part 1. Cliquey, cold, unwelcoming. Not only is the message clear that I’m an outsider, I’m feeling that maybe I should stay that way. What side of the fence do you think that would push me towards? Chances are very high I’d never step into that, or any church ever again or even wanting to hear anymore about this “Jesus”. Satan at work.

I can tell you that since leaving Calvary Temple, admittedly, there have been rough patches, rough patches in my life that I refused to seek answers for inside of a church or from a member of one. Oh I will still be in prayer over issues of mine, a lot of it pissed off prayer. That’s one of the reasons Jesus instructs to hold fellowship with other believers. Pretty hard to do when your church leaders don’t even acknowledge your existence. Satan’s punk assed demons will make sure that stays stirred up, this is not to even mention the infighting a church can have that would be witnessed by a “fence sitter”. Yes, Satan relies on his demons because he’s not omni present like Jesus. But there are many, many of them, constantly in and out of people’s heads disrupting lives, making hypocrites out of believers, steering away non believers and even keeping those that are believers away from their faith, or keeping them fighting with other members of their faith.

Oh Boy! THAT would convince me, hell yeah, sign me up!

Story #3.

Where I was raised, there were a lot of loggers, ranchers, bikers, hippies, other rough sorts. Most of them very good people, however, “they’re not one of us”. Suppose one of these bikers, a biker at the end of his rope, feeling nothing but despair, running from the law or a drug deal gone bad, constantly looking over his shoulder knowing any minute his life could end. End bad. He’s walking down the street and music is coming out of this Baptist church, he’s moved, wondering if this “Jesus” is for real. “I need help, can this Jesus change my destiny?” HOPE! He stumbles in without hesitation. In his boots, dirty jeans, vest, beard, tattoos, grunge. He takes the first seat he sees on the end of an aisle, exhales deep. Would he sense the uneasiness from the pre-judging member he’s sitting next to? Maybe feel him or her slightly squirming or leaning away? “I’m in my nice suit/dress you know”. Would he cause that person, couple, or family to get up and move? I know some of them who would have. Would he walk out right away or wait for maybe a chance to speak with the pastor or an elder afterwards? Based on what I described in the third story of part 1, I fear he would have walked, hopefully not to see the end of his life, whether by people that were after him or self inflicted, sealing his doom. All of those “Amens” and “Hallelujahs” the biker heard might would be portrayed as meaningless words coming from the mouths of trained seals. Another win for Satan and his punk assed demons. “He’s for sure still ours now!” (insert evil hiss). And the enemy might add….. “Thank you non- judging, amen shouting, in a bubble awesome on Sunday, not in my backyard f***! flakes! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! HE’S STILL OURS!”


Todd Agnew wrote a song called “My Jesus”. Look it up, listen to it or just read the lyrics. Born in a barn to humble parents, slept in a feeding trough, the air thick with animal smells and dust. He walked among the thieves, liars, prostitutes, the diseased and he embraced them. He rebuked the Pharisees and Sadducees for their hypocrisy and self righteousness. He walked for miles and days to minister to the lost, the hungry, the confused, and the angry with his disciples. Jesus and his disciples were hungry, dirty, they stunk. THAT Jesus is who we are to be like (you’re not required to be dirty and stink), humble, non judging. Who’s guilty of the things mentioned in parts 1 and 2? ME! YOU! All of us one time or another.

Satan can’t read our thoughts to act on them. However, he knows our history, our current situations, our discussions, etc. He uses this ability to throw another log onto the fire, to trip us up, at times to curse the Lord, ideally within ear shot or in front of a fence sitter. Satan knows our regrets, grudges, missed opportunities and will throw them in our face with rapid fire. The enemy is constantly in the ears of non believers, fence sitters. The enemy is constantly in the ears of those of us who ARE believers ("he/she isn’t ours anymore, let’s make their lives as miserable as possible. Let’s trip them up and make them stumble hard for all to see”). Constantly, the enemy is in our ears coercing us to gossip, judge, stir dissension. Constantly, the enemy is in the ears of a non believer or fence sitter to stave him or her from being a follower of Christ by telling them to look at how believers behave! Remember, we’re constantly being seen and heard by the fence sitters and non-believers. Satan and his punks will see to it.

Just remember, when, not if, this happens to us, we get back up. We dust ourselves off. It’s a stumble, we’re not toast. Ask for forgiveness and a refresh on our spirit and we move ahead.

Pick Up Your Jawbone. Slay Your Philistines!

There are six things the Lord hates, seven that are detestable to him;

haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood,

a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are quick to rush into evil,

a false witness who pours out lies,

and a man who stirs up dissension among his brothers.

Proverbs 6:16-19 NIV

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