Inauguration Day 2025

A few months away from the 2016 Presidential Election, it was pretty much a solid win for Hillary Clinton, the Democrat party’s nominated candidate for our country’s highest office. The Republican party’s nominee, Donald Trump and his campaign knew that Hillary was going to become the winner as the next president of the United States. Except for a small handful of conservative pundits, the whole country pretty much knew that as well. There was a lot of anxiety in the conservative world, the Constitution was about to be shredded, the Bill of Rights destroyed, massive intrusion into our lives by the Federal Government, the weakening of our US Military, the persecution of the Church. These were justified concerns, a rough road lie ahead. What was equally troubling, there was just the same amount of people, if not more, estatic at the knowing of an incoming socialist agenda for the United States.

I shared these same concerns with the many people who became distraught over our potential march towards socialism. One day, a couple months before the election, I came across an article that was written by Karen Kingsbury titled “Two Months Before Christmas”. The timing of the article was such that it gave me a calming, it helped relieve my anxieties of what is about to come. Kingsbury described the stress, the hopelessness, fear, the dangers of living during the rein of the evil king, Herod the Great. The two months before Christmas that Kingsbury wrote about, were the two months before the birth of Jesus. You can read the article here: The article reminded me that we are not in charge, the weight of the government rests on the Lord. As I mentioned, the article was calming and restored to me hope.

In the afternoon of the November 8th election in 2016, I was sitting on the front porch drinking a nice amber brew, thinking about the Kingsbury piece I read, and what lies head. Across the street, an acquaintance of mine pulled up to check in on his mom. We exchanged greetings, I held up my beer and said to him “I’m getting ready for the incoming queen”. He shook his head and said “Yeah, I better do that too”. I told myself that I will not tune in and watch the incoming election results that will start pouring in that evening. The television programs I will watch will not be on a network or cable news channel. When I went to bed that night, I laid awake still thinking about the results and how doomed we were about to be. I know, this contradicts the “calming” I received from Kingsbury’s article. Hey, human is human.

On the morning of November 9th, the world woke up to the news that the future queen lost the election (she won the popular vote), and Donald Trump was now the president elect of the United States. The talk was blazing on radio talk shows, news sites, both network and cable, every newspaper. The internet was on fire. Conservatives across the land were overjoyed and stunned (I’m sure not as stunned as the socialists). I gave thanks to God and went to work with a little more spring in my step! We have been spared!

A couple days after the January 20th, 2017 inauguration, I found an article written by Caleb Parke titled “A Millennials’s Regret: I Wish I Prayed More for President Obama”. Read it here:

After reading this, I too wished I had prayed for President Obama. I wished I had prayed for our leaders in the Senate, the House, and our state and local leaders. I told myself that I will be praying going forward. I definitely will be praying for President Trump. I think I prayed for all those mentioned maybe only a handful of times. I think I pretty much wiped my brow with a “Whew, that was close” and moved on. Got too cozy with the state of things and focused my concerns elsewhere.

Well, four years went by really fast and President Trump was up for re-election against the new Democrat nominee, Joe Biden. That election as we all know, did not turn out well for Trump. There were several instances that happened not allowing Trump to be victorious. Lots of finger pointing, lots of denials on both sides, lots of crap. Bottom line, Trump lost without conceding.

I do not need to re-cap the last four years under the Biden and Harris regime. It was a long four years and it flat sucked.

I also do not need to fully re-cap the 2024 election. After the fallout of Biden being forced out of the election, causing Kamala Harris to become the heir apparent, Trump once again became president elect by crushing Harris in the popular vote and the electoral vote. The majority of the people were not interested in the socialist and evil ideas put before us to change our heritage, our pride and our culture. The socialists tried everything to stop him. Indictments, assassination attempts, lawsuits and constant slander. These actions in addition to the American people having enough of wokeism, transgenderism, communism, illegal immigration, child indoctrination in our schools and more, Trump became the second person to become a non-consecutive president elect.

I thank God this became our fate. I will try my best to remember to pray for Trump this time around. I’ll also pray for his administration, his cabinet, our military to keep us safe, and our representatives that the Lord grants them wisdom and courage to do what is the Lord’s will for this great nation. We all should have these prayers. Pray for a civilized society after today’s inauguration. Pray for Trump’s safety during this moment as well. The socialists are not done with him yet. Pray and pray fervently for the success of President Trump. Pray for a great revival to come to the United States that we will return to what is right. Do it now, do it daily.

Pick Up Your Jawbone. Slay Your Philistines!

 I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people—

for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.

This is good, and pleases God our Savior (1 Timothy 2:1-3 NIV)


In the Lord’s hand the king’s heart is a stream of water
    that he channels toward all who please him (Proverbs 21:1 NIV)

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